7 Fruits that are Best for Your Kids

Fruits are important for noshing the body of your children as they are a rich source of nutrients and vitamins. The eating habits of your children are more influenced by their surroundings. According to the 2015 research study, parents who eat large amounts of food also promote the same habit among their children. Therefore it is important for you as well to eat healthy food. By adding healthy fruits to your diet you can develop the interest of your children in a healthy diet.
Fruits are important for children. However, what fruits are best for them? My mind was asking this question and therefore to find an answer from the certified personals I contacted the best child specialists in Islamabad. These doctors helped me a lot and I found the list of healthy fruits that you and your children can enjoy together.
Top 7 Healthy Fruits for Kids
The seven fruits that are best for your child include apples, bananas, citrus fruits, berries, peaches, grapes, avocados, and pears. Why are these fruits best for your children and how do they contribute to their health? Let’s find out in a detail below.
The first fruit that will keep your children healthy and also keeps the doctor away is the apple. Apples are rich in fiber and therefore they are good for improving your digestion. An apple before breakfast helps your children to eat less and prevent them from gaining extra weight.
Apple also keeps the bones and teeth of your children healthy. Chronic diseases like cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, and vision disorder can be prevented by adding apple to the daily diet
Bananas are not just for monkeys but young children can also eat it. My children love eating bananas and for me, banana shakes are the best. Bananas are a rich source of vitamin B6, C, and dietary fibers. It helps in building the muscles, nervous system, and heart’s health.
You can also give them banana in the form of a smoothie or simply add it to the yogurt.
3.Citrus fruits
Citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are also good for your children. Citrus fruits are well known for their ability to improve the immune system. Orange is a rich source of vitamin C. It helps in reducing constipation, cold, and diarrhea. Besides this, it also strengthens the bones of your children.
Lemonade is the best drink to get hydrated during summers. Just like oranges, lemons also contain vitamin C. It is helpful for preventing stomach issues and boosting the immune system of your child.
Berries are my favorite fruit of mine. Berries like blueberries are helpful for both children and adults. It helps in improving the heart’s health, blood pressure problem, and skin’s health. Blueberries are also helpful for improving the strength of the bones and for preventing cancer. Therefore if you want to protect your child from these chronic diseases then start giving them this delicious and nutritious fruit.
Peaches are rich in flavor, water, vitamin A and vitamin C. This fruit is helpful for improving the eyesight of your children. It contains natural sugar and dietary fibers that help in avoiding diabetes and serious stomach related issues.
Grapes are a rich source of carbohydrates, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and vitamin C. The skin of the grape is also essential as it contains antioxidants that aids in improving health. Grapes improve blood quality, digestion, and protect against respiratory infection.
7.Avocados & Pears
Avocados and pears both are look-alike fruits and both are important for your child. Pears contain vitamin C that helps in making the bones strong. It also helps in improving oral health.
Avocados also contain important nutrients. Besides calcium, potassium, and magnesium, It also contains iron that helps in preventing anemia.
Summing Up
There are many other fruits like pineapple, mango and so on that are good for your children as well. However, these are the top 7 fruits that will improve the overall health of your children. Organic fruits will have a better effect on your children’s health as compared to canned or processed fruits. Therefore it is better to eat organic so that your child gets important nutrients in time.