Things to know about type of pain

Every person in his life has ever felt pain. Pain is a natural signal that the body sends to the brain when something goes wrong: with tissue damage, disruption of organs, negative external influences.
Constant or severe pain causes not only physical discomfort, but also affects the emotional state of a person. She interferes with a normal life, enjoy her, she breaks the plans. In modern medicine, it is believed that pain can and should be combated: a person should not suffer if this suffering can be avoided. The direction of medicine that deals with the fight against pain is called pain therapy.
Types of pain
Doctors distinguish 3 types of pain, depending on the main path of its occurrence:
Nociceptive pain. This is the most common type of pain; it is associated with irritation of pain receptors. Such pains occur with injuries, inflammation, tissue damage. It feels like burning, pulling, aching pains. A classic example of nociceptive pain is finger cut pain.
Neuropathic pain. This type of pain is associated with disorders of the central or peripheral nervous system, that is, structures that conduct pain. Neuropathic pains are much less common, about 8-10% of people suffer from them. This type of pain is most often described by such definitions as cutting, stitching, shooting, tickling. An example of neuropathic pain is pain with neuralgia.
Nociplastic pain. In some cases, pain occurs when there seems to be no reason for this. That is, this pain exists only in the human mind. Such pain often affects people with depression and other disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere.
Acute pain is characterized by the fact that it lasts less than is required for the complete healing of the damage. With a superficial cut, we feel pain for only a few hours, and the trace of it lasts a couple more days.
Read more: Things to know about type of painChronic pain lasts significantly longer than the healing period and no longer depends on the factor that provoked it. In international practice, pain is considered chronic, which lasts more than 3 months. Chronic pain is much more difficult to diagnose and treat. For that buy tramadol225
When to see a doctor
According to statistics from the World Health Organization, pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical attention, up to 40% of cases worldwide. This is not a very good indicator: it suggests that people tend to delay visiting a doctor until it becomes very difficult.
Any pain and illness are easier to treat in the early stages, so it is best to seek help as early as possible, and ideally, undergo preventive examinations to identify violations even with the first symptoms, which are often painless
You need to know that in some cases pain indicates extremely serious problems that can even be life threatening. Immediate medical attention is required in the following cases:
acute abdominal pain;
a sudden attack of severe headache, accompanied by other signs of a stroke: impaired speech, vision and coordination, numbness of the limbs or partial paralysis.
Pain treatment
The first stage of pain therapy is the diagnosis, that is, identifying the root cause of the pain – a disorder or disease that causes the pain syndrome. After all, pain is, first of all, a signal of a malfunction in the body. generic xanax bars
The doctor will ask you to assess the severity of pain on a 10-point scale:
0–4 points: mild pain, it does not interfere with sleep at night and is removed by conventional analgesics for 4-8 hours;
4–7 points: moderate pain, which does not allow you to sleep peacefully and is stopped by painkillers for up to 4 hours;
8-10 points: severe pain, it is impossible to sleep, can only be relieved with drugs for 3-4 hours. Based on the results of the examination, the profile specialist draws up a treatment plan for the underlying disease, and the anesthetist selects a method for getting rid of the pain syndrome and prescribes the necessary drugs. In severe cases, the scheme is adjusted every 7-10 days to achieve the optimal effect.