How To Care For Hair Extensions With Micro Rings

Micro rings, also known as jump rings, are an innovative method of bonding your extensions to your natural hair. This is particularly important when you are wearing your hair extensions, as the ring will make your hair look thicker and fuller. It is also important to realize that the results can be permanent, but will require a few sessions of conditioning and moisturizing.
One of the first things to realize when looking at how to care for hair extensions with micro rings is that they need to be wrapped in a plastic bag first. The reason for this is that they are a little heavier than normal rings, so they can compress in the plastic bag. This means that they will be harder to use if they have been tied up in the plastic bag.
Brush gently
In order to reduce the weight, it is best to apply a few drops of essential oils to the ends of the rings after each use. The oils should be new ones that have not been used before; however, you may find that you do not need to use these all the time, depending on the time of year or the season.
You may not need to use the micro rings as often as you would if you were using regular rings. One important thing to remember is that these types of rings do not fit the same tight places that regular rings do. This means that they will generally come loose over time, so you may want to pick up a few extra pieces before this happens.
Shampoo your hair on a regular basis
Once you get the hang of this, you can move on to your styling products. Each hairstyle should be applied using one of two methods: either the micro rings can be coated with a particular product, or they can be placed directly onto the extensions. The coating method is good for short hairstyles, while the wrapping method is ideal for longer hairstyles.
Both of these options have their advantages, but you will probably find that the coating method is better for various styles. The main benefit is that you do not have to wait for the ring to dry, which means that you can avoid getting it tangled.
Condition your hair often
Many of the popular brands such as Mona Lisa, Volum’ Express, and Amika do not offer these rings coated with a special product. As a result, they are much less expensive. If you are looking to buy these rings for an existing set of extensions, you can certainly place them on without the coats.
When you purchase your micro rings, it is important to remember that you need to clean them thoroughly each time you use them. By using regular household products, they will become damaged and dull. As long as you follow the directions on the packaging, you should be able to clean them quite easily.
Allow your hair extensions to dry naturally
These rings are so durable that they are suitable for use on fine hairstyles such as twists, braids, or any other style that does not require the utmost care. This is good news for those who are struggling with getting their extensions styled, as they are perfect for styling both straight and curly hairstyles by Beauty Station.
It is important to realize that these micro rings are especially suited to taking care of curly hair extensions. In most cases, when you choose to use the ring method of cleaning, you will be putting the rings into the container of your natural hair for several weeks. Therefore, if you are having trouble with your curls, you may want to stop right away and return the product to the store.
Avoid products that contain alcohol or sulphates
When you first started using the ring method, your hair had all of the perfect conditions that it needed. The ring coating helped to lock the moisture and strengthen the bond between the extensions and your natural hair. However, with frequent use, this is no longer the case.
Knowing how to care for hair extensions with micro rings can be challenging, but it is well worth the effort when you begin to see the results. For a great idea of how to care for hair extensions with micro rings, visit our site.