Back of Knee Pain

Severe back of the knee pain can be a fairly common type of complaint. Usually, it can be a pester, however the upside is that the symptoms of this condition are fairly treatable. Diagnosing your knee pain usually requires a thorough medical history examination, one that sorts out the details of the pain, such as the sensation of what is being felt (e.g. sharp, or burning), the location of where it is occurring (e.g. behind the knee), when it started (e.g., gradually or suddenly).
Besides taking down your medical history, your doctor will then perform an examination of your knee joint and may decide to order an imaging test such as an X-ray to affirm their diagnosis. After all this trying to understand the actual reason as to why your knee hurts is the reason to you and your physician making an effective treatment regime — one that can optimize the relief of your symptoms and return to the way things were.
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Your knee is an extremely complex structure; but is essentially made up of 3 main bones — the lower part of the thigh bone, the upper part of the shinbone, and your kneecap. Besides that there are tendons and ligaments which hold everything as well as a cartilage beneath the kneecap a. Damage of force applied to this region can result in a variety of different diseases.
Although there are many forms of arthritis, the main two forms of it that are recognized are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Knee osteoarthritis forms as a result of a “wear and tear” of the knee cartilages in the the knee and is fairly common in people over the age of 40, and in obese people. As this cartilage starts to wear off, the pain increases, and often gradually escalates as age proceeds or things like the person’s weight increases.
- Rheumatoid arthritis on the other hand is an autoimmune disease where the person’s immune system starts to specifically attack joints in the body. Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness over the kneecap may start to develop. However, unlike osteoarthritis, this does improve with mobility and time with proper care being taken.
Other ways where back of the knee pain may arise is when the cruciate ligaments (anterior cruciate and posterior cruciate) intercross each other inside the knee joint. ACL injuries are the most usual type of knee injury, which often results from a physical collision or excessive force being applied to the region. Usually you can hear a ‘pop’ sound when this happens, followed by a huge burst of pain and huge amounts of swelling .