The benefits of a properly designed, integrated and automated industrial spray facility

If you’re involved in manufacturing, whether it’s vehicles or components, you will understand that the quality, durability and appearance of your products is critically important for customers and markets. And an essential element of quality, durability and appearance is the paint quality of the finished product.
If you’re considering upgrading or installing a new manufacturing facility or process, it’s a good idea to also consider how your painting process and facilities fit into the picture.
There are considerable benefits to gained from the installation of a bespoke designed and automated industrial painting facility which integrates seamlessly with your existing process flows. In the simplest terms, those benefits are all about lower costs and increased quality – which goes straight to profitability in the medium to long term, but also helps to maintain market share in an increasingly competitive manufacturing environment.
Design and integration
Ideally, your industrial painting facility should be designed to integrate most efficiently and seamlessly with your overall manufacturing infrastructure and processes. While it’s possible to purchase and install “kit” or standardised facilities, the benefits to be had by engaging an expert firm like Spray-Cure, which brings a deep understanding of the manufacturing process and can deliver full project management and integration service, can’t be underestimated. The design and integration phases, when undertaken in the context of the overall manufacturing enterprise, ensure that the efficient movement of goods through the manufacturing process, eliminating excess labour, energy and other input costs.
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Automation of manufacturing processes continues to expand and is just as relevant for the industrial painting component of the process. Ultimately, automation drives consistency, manageable quality control, reduced energy and paint costs and reduced labour costs. There are also considerable additional advantages to automation, such as analytical data feedback to assist with real-time decision-making and post-process review, optimisation and continuous improvement.
Key benefits
When combined, these three elements will deliver you outstanding paint quality results and material improvements in manufacturing costs. Some of the specific benefits include:
- Reductions in energy and labour costs through a more efficient process and product movement.
- Reductions in paint use and wastage, including through higher paint transfer efficiency delivering cost improvements.
- Reduced opportunities for human error leading to product scrap, rework, rejections or recalls.
- Improvements in worker health and safety outcomes through the reduced manual and chemical handling, dangerous conditions and repetitive tasks.
- Consistently high quality finished product outcomes in terms of paint application and surface finish, colour variation, curing and durability.
- Real-time and long term process improvement opportunities through the availability of high-quality manufacturing data capture and analysis.
High-quality manufacturing relies on high-quality product finishes to meet exacting market expectations. If you want your products to stand out, while delivering cost and quality improvements to the bottom line, then you should look to engage an industry expert like Spray-Cure to discuss how you can get the most out of your industrial painting requirements.