Leak Detection Technology Options

Homes waste up to a trillion gallons of water each year as a result of leaking pipes and appliances. Leaks caused by burst pipes, damaged water heaters, appliances and seeping basements can cause significant damage. Therefore, consider investing in technologies that focus on leak detection Neptune Beach.
Smart Home Sensor Systems
Many smart home systems include wired and wireless leak detectors that are placed under appliances, near water heaters, in basements and near or under plumbing. If water leaks in any of these areas, the sensors will notify the homeowner or a third-party monitoring service through email or text message. Sensing wires may also be used to detect fluids other than water. Some of these systems can shut off your water at the main to prevent additional leaking.
Water Flow Detectors
At times, leaks may occur in areas without sensors. For example, if your external faucet freezes and bursts during the winter, causing water to leak inside the walls of the home, your sensors will only pick up the leak when it reaches them. This could be after thousands of dollars’ worth of damage is already been done. Therefore, new leak detection technology monitors the flow of water into the home. If the water flow is significantly higher than normal, this technology shuts the water off at the main, preventing any more water from flowing into the house and giving you time to find the leak. Some of these devices even include temperature sensors that detect freezing in the water lines.
Some devices mount to your pipes and search for leak sounds, such as hissing and dripping. Because different leaks vibrate at different pitches, you can determine in what area and how large the leak is based on its acoustics. These devices may be inside or outside the pipe, fixed in place or mobile and they can be linked to computers. However, they are typically manually operated and do not automatically detect leaks without human interference.
To prevent extensive water and mold damage to your home, consider investing in leak detection technologies.