How To Improve Your Website Loading Times With Cloud Hosting?

We live in times when online users visit websites on-the-go on their smartphones. They don’t have time to patiently browse through websites. In fact, studies show that if a site doesn’t load within three seconds, then around 40% of users abandon it. The search engine giant, Google, has also recognized this trend and has included page loading time in the list of parameters that determine the SEO rank of the page on the search engine results pages.
There are several factors contributing to the speed of a site. Of these, the web hosting service plays a crucial role. The site’s data is stored on the web server, and hence, a slow server results in a slow-loading site. When it comes to web hosting services, there are various options available like Shared Hosting, VPS Hosting, Cloud Server Hosting, Dedicated Server Hosting, etc., each with its own set of features and benefits.
Today, we will be talking about Cloud Web Hosting and look at how you can improve the loading time of your website with a Cloud Hosting plan.
When you opt for Cloud Hosting services, your website data is hosted across a cloud server network. This allows the Cloud Host to offer a range of features like instant resource scalability, value for money, dependability on the server, and faster speeds.
Improving Website Loading Times with Cloud Hosting
The architecture of a Cloud Hosting Server ensures that your website loads faster, as explained below:
1. No latency
In Cloud Hosting, a cloud storage network backs the shared server. Therefore, the site’s data is mirrored across servers on the cloud network. This means that at any time, there are multiple servers having the latest copy of your site’s data. Therefore, even if one server crashes or faces performance issues, another takes its place in no time. This ensures no latency and optimum performance.
2. Geographically widespread network
When a user visits a site, the request is sent to the webserver. It is then processed by the server, and the relevant files are sent back to the user’s browser. Therefore, if the server is located far away from the user, then the loading time can increase. With Cloud Hosting, since the data is mirrored across the cloud network, the server closest to the user fulfills all requests. This reduces the loading time.
3. Caching Solutions
Caching is an excellent way to reduce the loading time of a website. A caching server sits between the user and the webserver. Whenever a user requests a page, the caching server retrieves the information from the web server and sends the files to the user’s browser. It also stores these files with itself. In the future, if any other user requests the same information, then the caching server fulfills the request without disturbing the webserver. This helps boost the page loading time. The best Cloud Hosting providers offer caching solutions like Varnish, along with their Cloud Hosting plans.
4. SSD Cloud Hosting
Solid State Drives or SSDs are more efficient than traditional Hard Disk Drives or HDDs. They process requests faster and are more reliable too. Many Cloud Hosts have started offering SSD-based Cloud Hosting plans to further boost the speed of the website.
The following video further explains the impact of Cloud Hosting on your site’s SEO ranks:
Summing Up
Apart from choosing the right web hosting service, you can also optimize images on your site for the internet, use a content delivery network, minify code, etc. However, it is important to remember that even if you take all measures to boost the speed of your site, if your hosting service is not equipped to support fast-loading websites, then all these efforts can be in vain. Hence, ensure that you understand your site’s resource requirements and choose a Cloud Hosting plan that helps maximize its speed. Good Luck!