Don’t Hire a Criminal Defence Lawyer Without Asking these 4 Questions

If you’ve been charged with a crime, or if you’re being investigated by the police and think you might end up charged, it’s important to hire the right criminal defence lawyer as soon as possible. Even if you know nothing about criminal law, there are some questions you should ask before signing on with criminal lawyers Sydney. Here are some key questions to help you select the best lawyer for your situation.
How Long Have You Been Practicing Law?
When choosing an attorney, it’s important to determine how long they have been practicing. A lawyer with years of experience may have more information on what your case could entail than someone who is just starting out. This can help you feel secure in your choice. For example, if you are looking for a criminal defence lawyer and choose one that has only been practicing for 2 years but another that has 10 years of experience, chances are good that one will be able to provide better service than the other.
What Kind of Experience Do You Have with My Type of Case?
Of course, lawyers want you to hire them for their talent and expertise, but nobody can predict every twist and turn of a complicated case. When hiringcriminal defence lawyers Sydney, it’s important that you know that he or she has dealt with cases like yours before.
If your attorney isn’t familiar with your type of case, how do you know he or she will be able to handle it effectively? Experience is one of the most important factors when hiring a lawyer.The more specific your questions are about previous experiences, the better able you’ll be to determine if an attorney is right for you.
How Long Will it Take for My Case to Settle?
This is one of your most important questions. Don’t be intimidated if your lawyer doesn’t want to give you an exact time frame. In fact, you should follow up withcriminal solicitors Sydney regularly until they do. It’s their job to represent you.
If it takes too long for your case to settle, then chances are you will feel like they aren’t working hard enough on your behalf. If your lawyer is unable or unwilling to answer how long it will take for your case to settle, then you might want to find someone else who can provide that information.
How Do You Plan on Winning My Case?
If a lawyer says something like, “We plan on impressing the judge so he rules in our favour”, you should probably find someone else. An experienced lawyer will have multiple strategies for achieving results. If your attorney only has one plan for your case, walk away!
An arrest can be an intimidating experience, especially if you believe that you’re being wrongly accused of committing a crime or don’t know what to expect during the legal process. It’s important to ask criminal law firms Sydney these questions to make sure you’re getting the best possible representation in your legal battle.