3 Ways to Incorporate Personalised Learning into Your Teacher Lesson Plans

Many teachers agree that we cannot teach students if we don’t understand their needs and learning styles. Of course, no two children are the same. Each child walks into the classroom with their own experiences, strengths, and weaknesses. For this reason, personalised learning needs to be at the heart of our teaching practices to ensure education is available for every learner regardless of their unique range of personal and contextual factors. In this article, we share three ways teachers can incorporate personalised learning into lesson plans for the benefit of their students:
1.Make Time for Self-Reflection and Goal Setting
Not only does reflective teaching and learning boost teacher-student relationships, it also improves student performance as they identify and improve on their weaknesses. Ensure you add goal setting during the introduction of your lesson plans and self-reflection at the end, it really will make a huge difference to student performance.
2.Be Flexible and Intentional
Every student learns differently, so lesson plans need to be flexible and adaptable to allow differentiation, offer feedback and meet your students range of diverse needs. During the main learning activity, be sure to offer your students options to work individually or in groups and/or to complete different questions based on their capabilities.
3.Incorporate Digital Content and Tools in a Purposeful Way
Technology can be used during any phase of a lesson- beginning, middle or end. When used with intention, digital content can be an effective way for students to learn whilst being personalised to the individual learning needs of our students. Children love using technology for a digital field trip, creating their own digital content, and even gathering student feedback. There are plenty of unique ways that these tools can enhance our lessons thus, they should be incorporated into our lesson plans.
You can use effective teaching resources and teacher lesson plans to ensure students are engaged and supported during lessons. When was the last time you updated your class materials and resources? Luckily, it’s never been easier to find a high-quality lesson plan for teachers and an effective teacher lesson plan template, as well as printable worksheets, task cards, posters, activities and more. If you’re looking for a lesson plan for English, Maths, History, PDHPE, Science or any subject, visit the Resources for Teaching website here: https://resourcesforteaching.com.au