5 Ways to Take Care of Your Skin Post a Hair Removal Session

With new technology coming up everyday, grooming methods have evolved significantly. However, even with the latest means of unwanted hair removal, don’t forget the aftercare. After you remove unwanted hair,there could be times when you experience skin bumps, itchiness, redness or dry skin. The experience is different for different people. However, with some precautions and skin care after the hair removal session, you can avoid most of the unpleasant experiences.
Here’s a look at the top 5 things to do to take care of your skin, regardless of the method you use, such as shaving, a body wax kit or depilatory creams.
1. Avoid Hot Vapour of Any Kind
In the case of waxing, body hair is being pulled out from the roots, embedded in your skin. The pores of your skin are therefore getting exposed and having a hot water bath after this will only cause the pores to block and you will end up with irritated skin. Even if you choose to go with laser treatments, the main purpose is to destroy hair follicles. Extra heat on the treated area will just give you a more irritated skin.
2. Wear Loose-Fitted Clothes
Remember to wear loose fitted clothes that allow your skin to naturally breathe,since friction might cause irritation to the skin and you will end up getting bumps and ingrown hair. Another thing you must remember is that perfumed oils and creams will irritate your skin.So, replace them with soothing gels, such as aloe vera. Exercising or overworking yourself won’t help either, as perspiration can clog up the pores and ruin the experience.
3. Moisturise
When you use any kind of soaps and foams, they tend to leave your skin dry, which could result in major skin irritation. So, consider using a good moisturiser, especially after an intense shaving session. This will also rehydrate your skin, which usually tends to get dry after shaving. If you notice your skin not being as good as it was before you were shaving, no matter how convenient of a method this is, reconsider and choose a different method to remove unwanted hair.
4. Exfoliate
If you regularly wax unwanted body hair, you will be aware of the norms of waxing, including exfoliating your skin between waxing sessions. This removes debris and dead skin,while also preventing ingrown hair. You can always try homemade sugar or aloe vera scrubs for a soothing experience. Remember to use the oil cloths provided with home body wax kits to further ease the process and keep the skin rehydrated.
5. Avoid Harsh Skin Makeup
If you get laser treatment, remember that your skin will be vulnerable after the process and prone to external factors. Staying away from harsh makeup and harsh chemicals is a good idea. Your skin should not be exposed to them for at least 24 hours after the treatment.
Once you get a hang of these precautions, hair removal does not sound that daunting, does it? Remember to choose a method you are comfortable with and if you are testing out new methods, remember to try it on a small area first to see how your skin responds to it.