Wedding Bands And Love – How They Are The Same

In the same way that wedding customs appear to be always changing — indeed, even your parents’ wedding will undoubtedly look very different from your own — so are the traditions surrounding wedding bands. For many years, it was widely believed that one’s gender would influence the part that one played in the process of obtaining wedding bands. Since then, the rules have been inverted, and it is now much less obvious who is responsible for jewelry that is made to seem like diamonds. More engaged couples than ever before are having collaborative conversations about wedding costs, which often include both engagement bands as well as wedding bands.
Despite the fact that adopting these choices as a couple has been the technique that is most commonly seen, many people still prefer to take part in more traditional practices. Some of these traditions include the man paying for the bands, the bride inheriting an engagement band from her family, or the bride and groom following certain protocols for how to wear their wedding bands together. It is imperative that you find out who will be responsible for purchasing the wedding bands again for the wedding ceremony before you enjoy your big day or even ask for the proposal.
What kinds of wedding bands do other couples often purchase?
It is more common for the bride and groom to get non-matching bands that express each individual’s own sense of style rather than his-and-her bands. It is important for a woman to pick a wedding band that goes well with her engagement band as it is likely that the two bands will be worn together once the couple is married. Nevertheless, the band ought to look just as lovely on its own as it does when it is set with the diamond.
Identifying the Level of Excellence in a Wedding Band
You and your soon-to-be husband are going to wear your wedding bands for the rest of your lives. Ensure that they are constructed from high-quality materials so that they may be used for a number of years to come. When looking for a wedding band, it is vital to keep in mind the following three factors: the type of precious metal that is used (for more information, check this guide), the quality of the diamonds, and the setting.
The vast majority of wedding bands, whether they are worn by men or women, are constructed from long-lasting materials such as yellow gold, white gold, platinum, or tungsten carbide. To ensure that you know precisely what you are purchasing, you should select a reliable retailer that offers some kind of certification of the precious metal that is being used in the product.
What’s the order of wedding bands?
On the same finger as their wedding band, many people choose to wear both their engagement band as well as their wedding band. If you are considering going this way, you may be curious about the proper protocol for stacking. To reiterate, it is customary for couples to wear their engagement and wedding bands in the position that is nearest to their hearts. However, this is not a must. Because of this, the wedding band should be placed at the very bottom of the stack, directly below the engagement band.
On the day of your marriage, well before you walk down the aisle, you should switch your wedding band to the right hand so that you can start this tradition. After that, your significant other can perform the ritual by putting your wedding band on your left band finger and then capping it off with the engagement band.
Shopping for wedding bands
The selection of wedding bands is sometimes put off until the eleventh hour because there are so many other aspects of the wedding that need to be planned in advances, such as the location and the food. In comparison to the time required to craft an engagement band, the process of creating a wedding band may be completed in a shorter amount of time. If you want to have any kind of custom jewelry work done for the bands, then it is in your best interest to make the purchase as far in advance as you possibly can. Leaving a larger buffer between the time you get your wedding bands, as well as the actual ceremony will provide you with a safety net in the event that something goes wrong. It is important to be ready for everything, including the possibility that the band will not fit well or that there could be mistakes in the engraving.
Make it fun
In the midst of all the busy activity that is associated with wedding planning, while you are out together looking for wedding bands, try to look at this moment as the still point in the midst of the storm that is wedding prepared. Make it a memorable occasion by treating yourself to a delicious meal (lunch or supper), taking your time, and shopping at a number of unique establishments. If you begin the process earlier on, the whole thing will be less stressful and more of a romantic experience.
Wedding bands symbolize your marriage and your love for each other, so you need to make sure you are buying the best bands.