What Are The Reasons To Build A Dome Home?
These days some hoes are gaining momentum on farms and in neighborhoods. But the question here is why? When it is easy to build a right-angled structure with nice vertical walls and 90 degree corners then why do people opt for dome houses? While it is true that standard construction methods are easier, domes are getting much easier to build and also offer various advantages. This article outlines the reasons why it is beneficial to build a dome home.
What is a dome home?
A dome home is a house in the shape of a sphere-rounded ellipsoid with doors and windows like any other house and also incorporates some kind of shell framework. The dome houses are further categorized into two types and these are geodesic dome homes and monolithic dome homes.
Reasons to build a dome home
Dome homes offer the following mentioned advantages over traditional homes which further draw the attention of people and thus, they opt for building the dome homes:
They are energy efficient
According to the study conducted by dome-home maker monolithic Constructors in the year 2016, the utility savings of a 50-foot, ellipsoid house was more than $2,500 over five years, compared to the right-angled structure houses in the neighborhood (despite powering a pump-house and two-car garage). The house connecting three domes totaling 3,200 square feet is reported to be powered by a small array of solar panels.
They are disaster-proof
In case an individual is living in a flood-prone area, a dome home acts as a particularly enticing option. The reason for this is that such houses are virtually indestructible when faced with extreme weather events. Monolithic dome homes are believed to withstand natural disasters like earthquakes, tornadoes, category 5 hurricanes, and fires. In fact, according to the FEMA standards, the entire structure of the dome house is known to qualify as a safe room with ‘near-absolute protection’.
They are low cost
As already discussed, dome homes are a great option when it comes to minimizing the utility bills but such houses are believed to save funds in material, as well. A dome home requires far less surface area than a right-angled structure house and also requires half or 25% of the materials to build the same. It can be said that the cost savings begin during the construction of a dome home and continue for the life of the home.
They are out-of-the-ordinary
Why go for a statement chair when one can have a statement home? Constructing a dome house will let one tell the entire world that he or she is an independent and forward thinker who is well aware of the fact that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Building a dome home let an individual stand out from the crowd.
The dome houses are great for many reasons and some major ones are listed in this article. When a person is looking forward to constructing a chicken pen, backyard greenhouse, or pool cover, he or she can be assured that the dome home can meet all needs.